Statehood vs Nationhood

These two concepts are deliberately conflated in order to confuse people.  A state is a government that exercises sovereign authority (basically the ability to kill people without consequence) within a given geographic space.  A nation is a group of people with a shared identity.   The United States of America, for example, is a state.  It exercises authority over numerous nations.  

Lars Erik Bryld of the Sovereign Principality of Corvinia breaks it down this way:

Statehood means acquisition and complete control over a territory, and the acceptance of this sovereignty by the international society.
Nationhood means a condition where a group of persons achieve a common identity as a people and the will to be identified as such.

European Americans United is a Nation

We are a group of people with a shared identity, shared history, shared language, broadly shared values, and a shared destiny.  Furthermore, we declare ourselves to be a nation, and our members identify as part of that nation.  Toward that end, we claim, in accordance with the 1933 Montevideo Convention:

Territory: the domicile of all members of our nation as a part of our national territory.  
Population: a permanent population of members, many of whom who have remained so for over a decade.  Being a nation, membership is for life.
Government: we are governed by a co-regency and an aristocratic hierarchy empowered to make laws.
Relations: we have a capacity to enter into relations with other nations or states if we so desire.

Furthermore, our intention as a nation is clear from our registration as a voluntary nation seeking diplomatic recognition on the BitNation blockchain.

Our Reign Cannot be Denied

According to the Treason Act of 1495, inherited via common law in the Anglosphere, “An Acte that noe person going wth the Kinge to the Warres shalbe attaynt of treason.”  Scholars interpret this to mean that the reign of those claiming to be monarchs over territories within that sphere cannot be denied.  As we are a co-regency, our leadership acts as monarchs.  This was used by the Principality of Hutt River.

The United States Declaration of Independence was approved by the Continental Congress in 1776 and states: "That whenever any Form (sic) of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…”  Thus, the members of our nation have an inherent right to affiliate with EAU, accepting it as their national government.  

The Atlantic Charter enjoins the powers to: “... respect the right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live.”  All members of the European American Nation have chosen of their own free will to participate in this government.

Furthermore, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states that  "All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status…”

European Americans constitute "a People" that is distinct from other Peoples, and those European Americans who have affiliated with us voluntarily have exercised the right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they live, and thus all other powers on the planet are constrained to respect that choice, and our status as a nation.


European Americans who voluntarily associate with European Americans United voluntarily accept our jurisdiction and national laws, which includes the agreement to abide by the terms of the membership agreement, adhere to our stated principles, and advance our statement of ethics.  All of our members above the rank of "Knight" constitute the European American national government.

It is important to understand that being voluntarily subject to our national jurisdiction does NOT exempt the members of our nation from compliance with the laws of the states exercising force in the territory where they are standing at any given moment.  So the European American national laws are in addition to, not in place of, the laws of states.

To understand this, consider those citizens of the United States empire who have run afoul of the laws in China or Malaysia while standing on land controlled by their respective state governments.  Please notice that in spite of its wealth, military might, appeals to morality and so forth, the government of the United States empire is utterly powerless to secure the release of its citizens or even to prevent their punishment under the laws of those states.  

So voluntarily placing oneself under the jurisdiction of the European American national government does not convey exemption from the laws of other states.

The United States empire as a Failing State

There are a number of failed states throughout the world, Somalia constituting but one example.  The Fund for Peace describes a failed state as having the following characteristics:

  • Loss of control of its territory, or of the monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force therein

  • Erosion of legitimate authority to make collective decisions

  • Inability to provide public services

  • Inability to interact with other states as a full member of the international community

The government of the United States has demonstrated complete incapacity to enforce its borders, which means it does not control its territory. 

Although it retains the ability to project physical force within its claimed territory, it no longer has a monopoly on that force.  For example, non-governmental entities such as Antifa can routinely and publicly exercise physical force without being prosecuted by the state government for doing so.  Economic penalties are an aspect of the spectrum of physical force, and private entities such as banks and credit card processors independently enforce economic sanctions on an ideological basis by restricting the ability to transact lawful commerce,  So the government of the United States has ceded its monopoly on physical force, retaining only its monopoly on execution (for now) but sharing all other forms of force with a variety of non-government actors.  It is arguable that many "unsolved" murders might also be the government of the United States ceding its monopoly on execution to independent actors as well.

The legitimacy of the government of the United States to make collective decisions has been substantially eroded.  Note, for example, the phenomenon of "sanctuary cities" or "sanctuary states."  These are cities and states that outright refuse to comply with the laws of the United States government, and their refusal is met with no penalty or repercussions.  If the laws of the government of the United States can be publicly flouted by large public entities with no penalty for doing so, then the legitimacy of the government is in jeopardy.

Although the government of the United States can still provide public services to some degree, the fact so many functionally illiterate people are graduating from public schools is a testament to the poor quality of even the most basic of these services.  Likewise,the American Society of Civil Engineers has rated our public infrastructure as "D+."  We have 56,000 structurally deficient bridges, 15,500 dams so poorly maintained they pose a risk to life, we lose more than two trillion gallons of treated water to water main breaks annually, more than half of the U.S. population lives within three miles of at least one hazardous waste site, the dams and locks on our inland waterways are in such poor repair that 50% of transport ships report delays as a result, our parks require at least $12 billion in maintenance to remain safe and accessible, 32% of urban roads and 14% of rural roads are in poor condition, and our wastewater treatment is so far behind it will need nearly $300 billion in investment just to be brought to acceptable standards.  So-called "public-private partnerships" to render these services is tacit admission that the government of the United States is no longer able to do so on its own.

Control of the national currency would likewise constitute a public service, but the government of the United States transferred this control to a private entity -- the Federal Reserve -- that is not under its control, and who has subsequently devalued the currency by as much as 96%.  

Due to wealth and military might, the government of the United States can still interact as a full member of the international community, but due to its instigation of wars against other sovereign states such as Iraq under false pretenses, its deliberate creation of failed states such a Libya which now serve as a haven for human slave trade and its interference in the internal governance of states ranging from Venezuela to the Philippines has led to a lack of trust in the government that, at one time, served as a model for the world's aspirations.

The Role of EAU as a National Government

In addition to our activism in the interests of European Americans, It is our goal and intention, where feasible, to fulfill the functions of government for our members and to present alternative infrastructure in areas where the government of the state has proven inadequate.  An example of this would be our Suicide Intervention program and our Home School curriculum.  As we grow, we expect to gain the ability to provide other important services, such as defense of the persons of our nation.  This depends both on growth of membership, and those members growing enterprises that can support such growth.  So it will be slow.  But, ideally, as the government of the United States continues its progress toward becoming a failed state, we will step into the vacuums it leaves behind as it ignores the needs of the people in favor of its own immediate self preservation.


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About EAU

European Americans United is an ethics-based ethnic advocacy organization for European-Americans and a stateless Nation.  Encompassing appreciation for the wisdom of our founding fathers along with European New Right philosophy and third-position economics, we believe ideas and economics should serve our people, rather than our people being servants to ideological and economic forces.

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